by Training4food | Nov 22, 2022 | Sustainable Development, VET4FOOD – Articles series
Greening the agri-food sector and upskilling the job force VET4FOOD – 1ST ARTICLE In the framework of the Vet4Food project, we are glad to launch the first article dedicated to Food, Sustainability and Education. To feed the discussion, the project’s partners...
by Training4food | Jul 10, 2019 | Social Economy, Sustainable Development
Coordinated by POUR LA SOLIDARITÉ-PLS in partnership with six european organizations, the project Training for Sustainable Food System Development – T4F, co-funded by Erasmus+, has developed a vocational training focusing on the development of “green skills” in...
by Training4food | May 24, 2019 | Article, Social Economy, Sustainable Development
Source: Le Labo de l’ESS Notre partenaire Pour la Solidarité travaille, avec d’autres organisations, sur un projet européen autour de la formation pour un système d’alimentation durable. Ils viennent de lancer un site Internet dédié et de publier un manuel de...
by Training4food | Jul 21, 2018 | Article, Social Economy, Sustainable Development
Source: By José María de Juan La producción agroalimentaria sostenible, basada en los productos locales y en las pequeñas explotaciones es una clara oportunidad de desarrollo local, la cual desde nuestro punto de vista, no está lo suficientemente...
by Training4food | May 30, 2018 | Article, Social Economy, Sustainable Development, Uncategorized
Source: La “transizione ecologica” del settore enogastronomico europeo parte dalla nuova Formazione Professionale L’Università della Cucina Mediterranea e la Fondazione Triulza, con Fondazione ENAIP Lombardia, sono i partner italiani che stanno...
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