Training for Sustainable Food Systems Development – T4F aims to develop professional training based on the development of “green skills” in the food sector, in order to increase the number of jobs in sustainable development.
Food industry’s professionals are linked to the environment, and they are encouraged to make their methods healthier and more environmentally friendly.
The content of this project is the implementation of a new professional training focused on the development of green skills in order to requalify professionals in the food sector towards more “green thinking”. In addition, the development of green skills for a sustainable food system encourages not only environmentally sound management, but also the creation of sustainable jobs.
Target groups
- Professionals and students in the food sector
- Self-learners, food and planet lovers
- All stakeholders who are part of the food chain management
- Implementation of sustainable food systems
- Skills enhancement and job creation
- Replicable outputs and transnational cooperation
What more ?
- The training is now available in English, French, Spanish and Italian
- Policy recommendations to national and European authorities
Regarding the necessity of including the environmental and sustainable dimensions in the European issues of growth, training and employment, T4F project partners developed a toolkit for (future) professionals in the food sector composed of a training manual and a toolbox.
The toolbox is a tutorial, made up of a methodological and an assessment guide, that explains how to use T4F training. The methodological manual gives the keys to teach and/or follow the training and will guide the learner through a fast understanding of the project and its contents. The assessment tool is based on two principles: a pre-assessment that will indicate which unit is interesting for the attendee according to his interests and an assessment that will indicate to the user the level of knowledge acquired through the training.
Training manual
The training aims to introduce notions of sustainability and green skills in the food sector from cooking to the hotel management. The training manual is composed of 8 units: “Healthy and sustainable diets”, “Biodiversity, seasonality and organic food”, “Water and land management, food footprints”, “Food loss and food waste”, “Circular economy and resilience”, “Local economy and alternative systems”, “Ethic and inclusive food business model” and “Food and cultural heritage”. Each learning unit mixes theory and practice! The modules are linked but can be delivered in an individual way depending on needs and interests.
The T4F team is pleased to offer you an online quiz to test your knowledge on sustainable food !
Fill in the form to receive the access to the platform by clicking here!
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The benchmark (in French) provides an overview of European legislation on sustainable food and collects good practices on training for sustainable food.
The T4F Framework (in English) indicates attitudes, skills and competencies to orientate professionals of food sectors towards a more sustainable food system.
The policy paper offers a set of recommendations for supporting the implementation of a tailored professional training at local, regional, national and European levels.