The Project
A sustainable food system and VET education innovation can provide high-quality green jobs and permit to create of new professional and entrepreneur profiles to fight unemployment and, at the same time, combat climate change and environmental decline from the food (and in part tourism) industry as well as promote the green transition of existing companies and the creation of new ones.
Download the infocards in all languages of the project.

The purpose of this first project outcome includes attitudes, skills and competencies to orientate professionals in food sectors towards a more sustainable food system by building a transversal Training Module for VET dedicated to food sustainability. The document analyses the situation in the partners’ countries participating in the project.
Download the PR1 in all languages of the project.

The training program comprises a designated training path and materials which are provided to the teachers of the partner schools participating in the blended training program. This program includes Moodle-based online learning and PowerPoint materials summarising the training content. Please check here the VET4FOOD Synchronous Online Training done in March 2023.
Download the VET4FOOD Training in all the project languages.

The recent events have disrupted the education sector, pushing institutions to adopt digital tools for remote learning. This handbook offers practical support and innovative teaching methodologies to help educators adapt to the post-pandemic education landscape. It aims to transform the challenges of the pandemic into an opportunity for renewal and innovation in education.
Watch the VET4FOOD teachers talk about the importance of Edutainment techniques and digital tools.
Download the Edutainment techniques and digital tools handbook

The output of this project result is the development of training for students based on the PR2 Food Sustainability VET Teachers Training. It covers four main areas: Nutritional, Environmental, Economic and Social Sustainability. The training will be structured in learning units with clear learning outcomes that meet EU transparency requirements. It includes downloadable materials and interactive training activities. It is available in several languages and supports schools in integrating food sustainability into their curricula.
Please check here the VET4FOOD Online Training for Students done in February 2024.
Download the VET4FOOD Training modules for students in English
Infocard Training Program
Infocard Digital tools
Infocard Student Training

Reduce the training gap within food VET schools.
To reduce the training gap among food VET schools on food sustainability, we aim to enhance the knowledge and skills of teachers and students while creating awareness of sustainability’s importance in the fight against climate change. HOW: Food Sustainability VET Module

Impulse the embedding sustainability in food VET school’s curricula.
To impulse the embedding of food sustainability topics in food VET school’s curricula, facilitating the implementation of a food sustainability module. HOW:Food Sustainability VET Students Training

Improve the quality and efficiency of VET training.
To better meet the needs of the tourism and food sectors, vocational and educational training must be improved to properly address food sustainability. HOW: Food Sustainability VET Teachers’ Training

Make VET teachers aware of the importance of increasing student participation.
To Improve VET teachers skills in the use of educational entertainment techniques, and their digital competences to stimulate both face-to-face training and training online. HOW: Edutainment techniques and digital tools handbook for VET teachers.