Today was the kick-off meeting for #PlanningSeedsProject in Perugia, Italy!
#PlanningSeeds main objective is to improve the recognition of the social economy and its potential by raising awareness and visibility through local social experiments. The project aims to create and promote social economy districts and short food chain supply at a European level.
The hosting partners were Tamat and the Università degli Studi di Perugia.
The meeting started with Tamat explaining the management and implementation plan. Then, each partner described the results of their national reports. Centrul pentru Legislatie Nonprofit (CNLR) presented in detail the national report; KMOP exposed the WP2 focus on the transnational reports and the following steps to take. Tamat described the next steps of the WP3; CARDET explained the WP4, and then Diesis Network presented the WP5 in brief concerning The SEEDs European Alliance and the Dissemination and Communication strategy.
Tamat | KMOP | Kmop Kmop | Centrul pentru Legislatie Nonprofit | CARDET | Università degli Studi di Perugia | Diesis Network
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